Approach 2 Examples

Living Besides the Academy, the Tumblr blog

A Tumblr blog dedicated to archiving artifacts from my life as a student.

“What does it mean to exist not quite outside of higher education? As I work on my intellectual history and take a break from teaching and researching in the academy, I’m experimenting with this tumblr as a location for posting my accounts and archiving the materials from my student life.“


Living Beside/s the Academy: An Ethical Response

An Invited Talk for the Annual Religion Department Banquet at Gustavus Adolphus College

“When Dr. Paul first contacted me about giving this talk, I was scared. What did I, an ex-Academic who is conflicted about their relationship to higher education, have to say to all of you? I haven’t been doing typical research for a few years now. And, since I’m still in the process of figuring out what I think and feel about higher education, I don’t have any BIG conclusions to offer up. But, even as I felt a little scared and a lot of discomfort and uncertainty, I was excited for this opportunity to talk to you about my experiences as a student and to experiment with performing a new sort of intellectual SELF—a non-Academic thinking, feeling, engaging, troublemaking and Undisciplined SELF.”


On (Re) Claiming Education

Flyer for Invited talk for the Women and Gender Studies Colloquium Series at Minnesota State Moorhead.


Processing Notes in Notebook and Online

Notes from my green and blue notebooks which were used to brainstorm and reflect for my undisciplined book project. Editorial note: include scans of several pages of the notebook.
Tag for blog entries about book project.



Scan from processing notebook
Scan from processing notebook


scan from processing notebook
scan from processing notebook

Links: #processing notes and #undisciplined book project 

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