Not Quit Lit
- The Rise of Quit Lit (The Atlantic)
- The Rise of Quit Lit (Slate)
- Why So Many Academics Quit and Tell
- Public Good-byes
- Goodbye to all that
Teaching Portfolio/Evidence of Teaching Excellence
- Online Example of Teaching Portfolio
- Online Example of Evidence of Teaching Excellence
- The Teaching Portfolio, a handbook
- What is Evidence of Teaching Excellence?
- Preparing a Teaching Portfolio
- Summary of Teaching Responsibilities
- I’ve Posted my Applications for Tenure and Promotion
- Laurie A. Ramirez’s Portfolio for Promotion and Tenure
- Me and My Shadow CV
- A CV of Failures (Nature article)
- CV of Failures
- Only Successful People Can Afford a CV of Failures
- Sharing the Failures
Note-taking and making
- Notes in the Margin
- White Perimeter of the Page
- What I Really Want is Someone Rolling Around in the Text
- A Year in Marginalia
- Personal Data: Notes on Keeping a Notebook
- On Keeping a Notebook (Joan Didion)
- Keeping a Notebook
- Foucault, Michel. Self-Writing
- How and Why to Keep a Commonplace Book
- Foucault and the Hupomnemata: Self Writing as an Art of Life