Twisted: To alter the normal aspect of; contort.
Twisted Approach: Designed a course that targeted and disrupted students’ entrenched assumptions about feminist movement/s and introduced them to tools/methods/concepts for resisting easy resolutions, effectively navigating contentious collaborations, and embracing a feminist curiosity.
Course: Point/Counterpoint: Contemporary Feminist Debates
Semesters Taught: Fall 2007, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011
Official Course Description, taken from Online Course Catalog:
Contemporary debates of concern to many women. Abortion, affirmative action, marriage rights, welfare rights, sex education, children’s right’s, date rape. In-depth study of several issues. Debate pros/cons of relevant perspectives.
My Course Description, taken from syllabus of the final version:
In this course we will take as our premise that debate is essential for the success of feminism as democratic movement and that that debate requires a healthy dose of feminist curiosity and a willingness to not resolve complexity but to engage with it.
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